Christian Living Prayer (Page 3)

Question 126. What is the fifth petition? And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. That is: Be pleased for the sake of Christ’s blood, not to impute to us, miserable sinners, our manifold transgressions, nor the evil which still always cleaves to us; as we also find this witness of Thy grace in us, that it is our full purpose heartily to forgive our neighbor. Heidelberg Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, Revised Edition. (Cleveland, OH: Central Publishing House, 1907), 132–133.

Question 194 What do we pray for in the fifth petition? In the fifth petition, (which is, Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, (Matt. 6:12)) acknowledging, that we and all others are guilty both of original and actual sin, and thereby become debtors to the justice of God; and that neither we, nor any other creature, can make the least satisfaction for that debt: (Rom. 3:9–12,19, Matt. 18:24–25, Ps. 130;3–4) we pray for ourselves and others, that God of

As we continue looking at the Lord’s prayer in our series, “Pray Like This,’ we see a shift in the focus of our prayers from heavenward to dirt and dust. The second table of the Lord’s prayer sets its mind on ‘us’ rather than God with the ‘your’ portions of the prayer. We pray for the glory and honor of God’s name; we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, and God’s will to be done. We petition Our Father for

A prayer based on Psalm 147 Great, are you God, and we are right to praise your Holy name, for you are Holy. We sing your praises with great joy, and it is a delight to glorify you (147:1). You build up your house upon the rock, setting the foundations upon your Word. You gather the outcasts of your people, like a mother hen gathers her chicks (147:2 cf. Matt 16:18; 23:37). Only you heal the brokenhearted (Ps 34:18), and

44. The fourth petition eThe second part of the prayer follows, in which we descend to our own affairs. We do not, indeed, bid farewell to God’s glory, which as Paul testifies is to be seen even in food and drink [1 Cor. 10:31], and ask only what is expedient for us. But we have pointed out80 that there is this difference: God specifically claims the first three petitions and draws us wholly to himself to prove our piety in this

Question 193 What do we pray for in the fourth petition? In the fourth petition, (which is, Give us this day our daily bread, (Matt. 6:11)) acknowledging, that in Adam, and by our own sin, we have forfeited our right to all the outward blessings of this life, and deserve to be wholly deprived of them by God, and to have them cursed to us in the use of them; (Gen. 2:17, Gen. 3:17, Rom. 8:20–22, Jer. 5:25, Deut. 28:15–17) and that

Question 125. What is the fourth petition? Give us this day our daily bread. That is: Be pleased to provide for all our bodily need; that we may thereby know that Thou art the only fountain of all good, and that without Thy blessing, neither our care and labor, nor Thy gifts can profit us; and may therefore withdraw our trust from all creatures, and place it alone in Thee. Ps. 145:15, 16. The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou

We have been going through the Lord's prayer taught in Matthew, chapter 6. The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray is a gold mine. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a famous preacher from Britain and one of my greatest heroes of the faith, says, "Any man who attempts to preach on the Lord's Prayer must surely find himself in great difficulties. There is a sense in which it is almost presumption to preach on it at all. One should simply repeat these

Praying Your Will be Done, on earth as it is in heaven. Based on Psalm 25:1-10 To You O Lord we lift up our soul. To you O God we place all of our trust. When the troubles and cares of this world consume me and the waves of this life overwhelm me let me hold fast to you and to you alone. Let me not be put to shame and my enemies not exult over me. Let be quiet my soul

The third petition e(a)The third petition is: that God’s will may be done on earth as in heaven [Matt. 6:10 p.]. Even though it depends upon his Kingdom and cannot be separated from it, still it is with reason added separately on account of our ignorance, which does not easily or immediately comprehend what it means that “God reigns in the world.” It will therefore not be absurd to take it as an explanation that God will be King in the

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