Christian Living Prayer Praying for our daily bread.

Praying for our daily bread.

A prayer based on Psalm 147

Great, are you God, and we are right to praise your Holy name, for you are Holy. We sing your praises with great joy, and it is a delight to glorify you (147:1). You build up your house upon the rock, setting the foundations upon your Word. You gather the outcasts of your people, like a mother hen gathers her chicks (147:2 cf. Matt 16:18; 23:37). Only you heal the brokenhearted (Ps 34:18), and through Jesus has proclaimed the good news to the afflicted, sent to bind up the brokenhearted and to proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners (Is 61:1). You bind the wounds of the wounded, you have suffered for your covenant people, bearing our sins with your own body, and by your wounds, we have been healed (1 Pet 2:24b). Through your son, Jesus Christ, who was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, and through this chastisement that brought us peace (Is 53:5; Ps 147:3).


LORD, you have determined the number of the stars, giving them their names, in which we cannot fathom your splendor or your vastness. We, your creatures stand in awe of our creator. We look upon the stars and could not grasp counting them, for this seems impossible for us, but you know (147:4). You, O LORD, are great, your power is copious and we could not even begin to grasp what you know, for we are so finite yet you infinite (147:5). We look only to you as you lift up the humble, and we can only come to you with humility, for when we realize your majesty we realize our brokenness. Let us seek to have the attitude of our savior Jesus, who emptied himself, coming as a bond-servant (Phil 2:5-8). LORD you are just; lifting up the humble and casting the wicked to the ground. Although we see the pain and turmoil in the world around us, we can put our trust in your justice (147:6). Let us praise your name in Spirit and in truth, glorifying you for all that you have done and will do (147:7). Creator God whom have covered the heavens with clouds and sends rain for the earth. Help us to see your provision, and let us not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and supplication lift them to you, the one who makes the grass grow on hills; the one who gives beasts their food and birds their needs. Let the peace form You, which surpasses all understand guard our hearts and minds only through Jesus Christ (Phil 4:6-7; Ps 147:7-9).


As we go through difficult times; of grieve of lost loved ones; times of sorrow through uncertainty; times of financial difficulty; stressful situations; problems we face as parents; issues that arise in our marriages; worldly chaos. Let us not turn to earthly things to comfort us whether man or materials (Ps 147:10) but turn solely to you as our delight; Sovereign over all fearing you with respect and reverence. Give us this day our daily bread, Matt 6:11. Help us to see your beauty of your covenant faithfulness, your always and forever, never ceasing never giving up, steadfast love (147:11). Let us praise you for who you are, Father God who cares for his children; The suffering servant who died, rose again and is now seated at the Father’s side as our covenant mediator; and the sanctifying Spirit who gives us great strength and peace. Praise the Lord! Praise your God! (147:12). You strengthen us, and bless our families; not with earthly wealth and power but with your great promises. Continue to provide for us all that we need, and help us to see our needs verses our wants; give us the eyes of your heavenly kingdom and not of the earthly desires. We pray that peace would be found, and your provision would continue, not for our names sake but for yours (147:13-14). Let your people proclaim your good news across the whole globe and let your Word flow swiftly (147:15). When our problems we face confront us and we only look at how big they are and how small we are. When we see the cold of seasons of winter within our lives or darkness, depression, and isolation; help us to remember you are the one in control; you are the one who brings the snow, scattering frost like a man scatters ashes or bringing hail like a child throwing crumbs. But you bring forth Your Word and the winter melts away, making ice dissolve to water (147:16-18). When darkness seems to hide your face, let us rest in your unchanging grace. Glorious LORD, you have declared your Word to Jacob, and you have not been unfaithful; you have given your Word and never gone against it. Let us look only to your promises and let us trust in who you are not the afflictions that are before us (147:19-20).


Take big steps Jesus for we long to see your face.


In Christ’s Holy name we pray,


About author

Thomas Rickard serves as the minister of Seven Springs Presbyterian Church in Glade Spring, VA, and as the Stated Clerk of Westminster Presbytery. He is also a professor at Graham Bible College in Bristol, VA. Thomas holds an M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Originally from Australia, he moved to the United States to marry his beloved wife, Sarah. Together, they have four children. Thomas enjoys tackling projects, reading, and spending quality time with his family.

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