What is the Westminster Shorter Catechism?
The Westminster Assembly of Divines, convened by the English Parliament from 1643 to 1653, produced foundational documents for Reformed Christianity, including the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Catechisms. The Shorter Catechism, with its 107 questions and answers, provides a clear summary of Biblical teachings on topics such as God, sin, salvation, and the Christian life. These documents continue to guide Christians in their understanding of doctrine and worship, moving us to see our hope in the Gospel of
Introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Reformed Theology was a hidden gem that once found can provide Biblical answers to the difficult questions the world asks. As I turned to the Bible as the sufficient, infallible Word of God, I discovered answers to questions about God's sovereignty, sin, salvation, and more. Eventually, I found myself embracing a tradition that valued the Bible as the Word of God and became 'Reformed.' I invite you to explore the beauty of the Westminster Catechisms and see how their Biblical
Between a Rock and a Hard Heart
There we were enjoying a lovely hike the other week, as Sarah and I celebrated our anniversary. We did some research and decided not to go on the hike that reviewers said, “is not clearly marked.” We were feeling like we could take on a challenge without the children. So we decided to start with this light to moderate hike. As we begun it was clearly signed as we followed the path that we had discussed as we looked at
Gift of the Sabbath
We often overlook the fundamental needs of our humanity, focusing instead on the tangible necessities of daily life. We understand the importance of eating, drinking, and sleeping—essential for our physical well-being. Yet, if sleep or coffee were suddenly stripped away, our ability to function, if this was to happen our time in our confession of sin would grow drastically. Similarly, we grasp the necessity of fueling our cars with gas to keep them running and watering our plants to sustain
In all the leaps and bounds of medical science, there is one machine I am sure no one has invented because no one would like to see the results: the heart tester. I am not referring to the Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram, or Holter monitor, but rather one that tests the state of the human heart as the Bible speaks of it. Occasionally, the Bible describes the heart as the functioning muscle that pumps oxygenated blood throughout the highways of our body
After finishing the section on the song of Exodus in chapter 15 we continue our journey in the wilderness wanderings. We often forget about these passages of Scripture and we think of Passover, crossing the Red Sea, song of Moses and then the ten commandments at Mount Saini. But we have the interesting account of these stories that are found in chapter 15-18. Paul actually brings them up in 1 Corinthians 10, mentioning that these things took place as an
Hymn of Victory
We come to the final portion of the song of Exodus in chapter 15, the summary of what has gone before. Now passages like this can be difficult when looking to preach consecutively through a book. You can slip them into the sermon previous or the following sermon as somewhat of a footnote. Specifically, these verses in 19-21, add nothing new really to what we have looked at before. It might of made last week’s sermon longer. They could be
Pilgrims of Promise
As we continue to look at the glorious song found in Exodus 15, we are reminded of what we have looked at so far to begin with we noticed that the people who were redeemed saying praises to their God and savior the one who has redeemed them from slavery and rescued them from the hand of pharaoh. We noted that this song is done corporately as the people although individually addressing their Lord. We also saw the praise of
Loftiest Description
Imagine a bustling city street filled with people from all walks of life, each engrossed in their own world as they navigate through the urban jungle. Among the throngs of pedestrians, you notice a peculiar sight—a young man clutching a smartphone in his hand, seemingly absorbed in its glowing screen. As you draw closer, you realize that he isn't just scrolling through social media or checking emails. Instead, he's fervently tapping away, interacting with a virtual man made deity that
From Sea to Song
The worship wars. A term that has been used to describe the historical divide that caused great discussion and often divide within the modern church. They speak of what people labeled contemporary and traditional music and styles in the church. Discussions focused on the role of evangelism and what has been called ‘seeker sensitive services.’ A great book which looks at the historical development of this is called “Lovin’ on Jesus: A Concise History of Contemporary Worship,” by Lester Ruth