Feast of Unleavened Bread
Before there was the saying “there is an app for that.” In which you want to be able to do something you can just look on your phone and someone somewhere has made an app that can help you for that exact thing you want to do. There was the answer that you can just get what you need or what from the store. We live in a day and age when you need something you can get it in
Exodus is one of the most foundational stories of God’s people. The story of God redeeming his people from the house of Pharaoh and from bondage of slavery. If you want to be able to understand the story of the Bible you need to be acquainted with the stories of the Bible. That whenever you read other authors of the Bible they are not written in a vacuum as separate stories, but as one big overarching story throughout the ages
The Final Blow
Chapter eleven is a great chapter to move us from the three cycles and nine signs and wonders unto the great and final plague or as chapter eleven calls it the final blow. Before we get to understand what this final blow is we need to remember what has happened to this date. How did we get to this place. When looking at judgements we need to understand the severity of the crime. To hear a verdict that this person
Let there be dark
We come now to the final third plague from the third cycle of signs and wonders. This set ends as the other ones with the third sign and wonder not being announced to Pharaoh, but it comes upon them. Throughout all the plagues we see God’s power over the whole earth, preservation of God’s people, God’s providence over history and hearts, and God’s punishment of evil and wicked sinners. Each sign and wonder show forth all of these four aspects
Little Ones and Locust
As we have seen the story of the signs and wonders we have pointed out God’s power, protection, punishment and his purpose. We have seen that one of the aspects of God’s power being on display that Pharaoh would know who the Lord is but also other nations. God shows his power and might through these signs and wonders for a direct end, not only that His people would no longer be subject to Pharaoh, but that they would be