Safe Keeping
What hope can be found after such a short serious letter written by the hand of Jude? The letter was written telling those who are called, beloved, and kept, that they are in the midst of hand-to-hand combat that they did not know crept into the church. The warnings of the false teachers who have rejected God’s salvation rebelled against him and even refused God’s created order. Who followed their dreams not the word of God. They were like Cain,
Showing Mercy
Jude now broadens his approach to the dilemma of false teaching that has crept into the church. Previously he had instructed the believers to keep themselves in the love of God by doing three things; 1) building themselves up in the most holy faith; 2) praying in the Holy Spirit and 3) waiting for the mercy of Christ. He was addressing those who are called, beloved, and kept, (vs 20). Now he transitions again to what you might classify as
Keeping in the Love of God
Jude now in the last verses of his short letter starts to address positive steps that can be taken to be able to contend for the faith. It is important that although Jude might seem like a negative letter only focusing on the false teaching that the church is facing, we must understand that Jude wanted to write to them about their common salvation but was moved because of the false teaching that had crept into the church. The perverted