From heaven or from Man
The conflict continues to grow, and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. The religious leaders have sought to destroy Jesus; however, the opportune time has not come up for them, and through God's providence, neither has Christ's time come. The religious leaders have tested Jesus before (Mark 8:11). Jesus had come to Jerusalem and rebuked the leaders, pointing them to the 'den of robbers' which they had set up in the court of the Gentiles.
Whatever you ask
Last week we saw the living parable of the fig tree as a representation of the temple. The temple was that of the rotten figs that could not be eaten and not the good ripe figs. Mark sandwiched the cleansing of the temple with this living parable of the fig tree. This week we will be looking at the lesson from the fig tree. After returning to Bethany for the night, they walk past the fig tree that Jesus had
The Fig Tree
Following the anti-climactic entry of Jesus, who arrived at the Temple, no one was there. The Temple is one of the important themes in the following chapters. Jesus has finally arrived in Jerusalem, and the conflict continues to rise between the Pharisees and chief priests. The disciples have been told three times what will happen to Jesus (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:33-34). The conflict has continued throughout the Gospel of Mark. We, as readers, have known the plan of the Pharisees
Right at the very beginning of the study of the Gospel of Mark, I explained that the outline of the Gospel of Mark is based upon geographical sections. The first half deals with Jesus' ministry and conflict in Galilee, while the second half (following Peter's confession) deals with Jesus' ministry and conflict in Jerusalem. Following Peter's confession, Jesus is on the road to Jerusalem. Chapter 11 begins Jesus' ministry and conflict in Jerusalem. Possibly a more correct statement would be
What can I do for you?
The contrast within these passages is quite striking. Jesus finished his teaching after meeting with the rich young ruler and said, "But many who are first will be last, and the last first" (Mark 10:31). Then Jesus tells his disciples why the Son of Man came to earth (Mark 10:32-34). Yet we are reminded, again, that the disciples just still do not get it. This passage shows the contrast to who the disciples thought they were following. Jesus talks about