The Definite Plan
The rooster had crowed, and the sun had risen. Peter was weeping. The chief priest and scribes had condemned Jesus to death (Mark 14:64). Over the proceeding pages, we have seen how the words of Christ are coming to pass. Judas had betrayed him. He was handed over to the chief priests and the scribes. They condemned him to death. The disciples had scattered. Peter had denied his Lord three times. Now we see the next fulfillment of Christ’s words,
Epic Fail
The gospel of Mark has many various layers to it, one major theme is, of course, the earthly life death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can see sublayers throughout the pages of the Gospel of Mark. One which comes up is “who do you say that I am?” Another great theme that flows throughout the gospel is that of discipleship. Reading through the gospel and looking at discipleship and the disciples is a great exercise. It shows the realities
He has been telling his disciples that the Son of Man must suffer many things (Mark 8:31-33, 9:30-31, 10:32-34). We see this unraveling as we continue to read through this chapter. We see the beginning of these events beginning to take place, mainly that Christ is delivered into the hands of the chief priests and scribes. I. Treated like a Traitor Jesus as he was telling the disciples that his betrayer is at hand (Mark 14:42) in steps Judas. We know what