No One Knows
As we have looked at the perplexing chapter of Mark 13 over the past five weeks, I have sought to explain the connection between Mark 11-12 to chapter 13 as Jesus pronounces judgment upon the city of Jerusalem, mainly the temple for their rejection of the Christ. I have highlighted every time that Jesus is addressing two questions given by his four disciples following his pronouncement of the tearing down of the stones of the temple Mark 13:2). The two
This Generation
As we continue to walk through this perplexing chapter in Mark 13, we have noted that the perplexity comes because of the many difficult passages to understand in this chapter, ‘these things,’ ‘those days,’ ‘tribulation,’ ‘abomination of desolation,’ or ‘let the reader understand.’ We have again another difficult phrase today, ‘this generation.’ However, before we get to the difficult phrase, we need to remember what question Jesus is asking in Mark 13. Many people come to Mark 13 and try
An Audible Sermon
As we have been going slowly through Mark chapter 13, or as we have been referring to it as the perplexing chapter, we find ourselves at another difficult passage. I believe this chapter is perplexing because of the many layers which are found in it. It stems from Christ’s words to his disciples about the destruction of the temple (vs 3) and the disciples' two questions about when it will happen and what are the signs it is about to
Abomination of Desolation
As we continue to look at the most perplexing passages in scripture, we come to another perplexing passage. Before we look at this passage, we need to be reminded of what has gone before. Mainly Jesus’ disciples' questions are found in verse 4, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?” Two questions relating to ‘these things’ which is a reference to verse two when Jesus