Empty and Alone
Ruth 1:1-5 This week we will be starting a new sermon series on the book of Ruth. This short poetic book about loss and Pain but with a beautiful story. The book is wedged between the book of Judges and 1 Samuel. Two books show the rebellion of God’s people and their unfaithfulness. Both Judges and 1 Samuel are gruesome and gory books that show epic battles and warriors. Ehud, the left-handed warrior who stabs Eglon the King of Moab, which
Ruth- Introduction
Ruth- Introduction The small book of Ruth is located in our English Bibles between Judges and 1 Samuel. This short book is an amazing story of loyalty, commitment to God, and God’s ordinary providence. We will be looking at the book in five parts over the coming weeks. Before we get into the actual text, I want to discuss some areas of the book that are fascinating and looking at the story within history, the Canon, and the book's overall beauty.
In Time of Suffering
In Time of Suffering This Prayer is written by Robert Hawker, in Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans Gracious Lord! Nothing can reconcile us to you better than to humbly and patiently learn obedience in the school of suffering. We learn by knowing that Jesus, though you are the Son of God, in the eternity of your nature you were pleased in your human nature to learn obedience by the things which you suffered. Precious Jesus! To your love, and your grace, be all praise
Let Every Heart
Colossians 4:7-18- Let Every Heart We come to our last week of studying the letter to the Colossians. Today we look at the final greetings that Paul has in his letter to the saints in Colossae. Generally speaking, we tend to overlook greetings in the Bible because we don’t usually see a benefit to us today. We read, “When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments,” from 2
Savor of Heaven
Colossians 4:2-6 Paul has continued his instruction to the Christians in Colossae. He comes now to the final set of instructions before turning to his final greetings. In chapter four, his instructions are not new or separated instructions but rather an echo of previous verses found in Colossians 1:24-2:5. The Colossians’ letter has had many references to thanksgiving (Col 1:3, 12, 2:7, 3:15-17, 4:2). We are to be thankful because Christ is supreme over all rulers and authorities (Col 1:16). We
Caring Love
The flowing is from the Valley of Vision, a prayer entitled Caring Love. All- sufficient King, When I come into thy presence I see the glory of thy perfections, the throne of eternal and universal empire, the ten thousand time ten thousand who minister to thee. Impress my mind with the consciousness of thy greatness, not to drive me from thee, but to inspire me to approach thee; not to diminish my confidence in thee, but to lead me to admire thy great condescension. Thou hast been mindful of me
Working 9 til 5
Colossians 3:22–4:1-Working Nine til Five We come to the second portion of Paul’s explanation of how the doctrine of Christ’s supremacy and sufficiently affects how we relate to one another. Last week we saw how this doctrine affects the home; wives, husbands, children, and fathers. This week we see how this doctrine affects the workplace. Paul addressed bondservants and masters, the modern-day equivalent of employees and employers. Again, the main point Paul continues to reiterate throughout the letter to the Colossians