According to Christ
Colossians 2:9-15 I. According to Christ (Vs. 9-10) Last week we had a detailed look at verse eight. Paul warns the church to be watchful of the philosophy, empty deceit, human traditions, and elementary principles. Each of these are not according to Christ. Paul, in the following verses, speaks what is according to Christ. The first word in verse nine shows this connection. They are not according to Christ because they are empty and hollow. However, in Christ, the whole fullness
Watch Out
Colossians 2:8 We explained in the original study that the aspirations of Paul writing the book of Colossians was to deal with false teaching, known as the Colossian heresy. The Colossian heresy has caused a lot of ink to be printed in academia, commentaries, and scholarly works. Today’s verse is one of the verses that fuels this scholarly work. There are four main lines of thought concerning the Colossian heresy. The heresy is rooted in Greek Philosophy, especially an early form
So Walk in Him
Colossians 2:6-7- Walk in Him In the last few weeks, we have seen the gospel ministry in the life of the pastor and the congregation. Paul continues to remind the church of the centrality of Christ in the Christian's life. The previous verse ended with Paul rejoicing in the firmness of faith, which is found only in Christ (Col 2:5). Paul starts verse 6 with the word, 'therefore.' We need to be reminded when we read the word 'therefore' that it
Riches of Christ
Colossians 2:1-5 We continue with the second portion of Paul’s ministry, last week we looked at Paul’s relationship to gospel ministry (Col 1:24-29). This week we look at his ministry to the church in Lycus valley (Laodicea and Colossae). In verse 29 Paul explains that his gospel ministry is toil and a struggle. The word for struggle is similar to an athlete who struggles to victory, a foot race. Paul struggles in his ministry empowered by God who gives him strength.
Him We Proclaim
Colossians 1:24-29 Up to this point in the letter to the Colossians, Paul has said very little about himself and his ministry. Paul had not met many of the members of the church in Colossae face to face (Col 2:1). Paul had only instructed them that he was an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God (Col 1:1). Paul had told them that he had been praying for them, but besides that, Paul speaks very little of himself. In