Early Worship
Rev. White recalled in his historical review of Seven Springs,
“No part of the church’s work has been more fruitful than this.”
Records seem to indicate that worship services at the onset were held only once a month, but were later increased. Sunday School and preaching services at Seven Springs Chapel were in the afternoons. Sunday School was at 2:30, and the Worship Service was at 3:30. Worship services were not held every Sunday, but eventually they were held on the first Sunday at 8:00 P.M. and at 3:30 P.M. on the third Sunday of the month.
Since this was a community chapel, the people of the community simply walked to the nearby chapel. The original road that went by the church came by what is now Jessie Warren’s home, across the railroad tracks and around the side of the hill just left of the present day Receiving Station. It then extended across the Old Mill Road, up the steep hill just in front of the church, and into the Seven Springs community. The people simply walked up the bank in the front of the church creating a path that has eroded away. Mr. P.J. Eller built steps of crossties between two large popular trees to provide easier access to the church. It was told that the larger popular on the right had a large metal ring attached to it in order that horses might be tied during services.
On July 20, 1951, the session granted Seven Springs Sunday School permission to temporarily change the time of Sunday School to a morning hour, and, if satisfactory, to make the change permanent. This was during the ministry of Pastor Ben Brown. The schedule worked well. The chapel continued to have worship services twice a month, one morning and one evening service. This schedule continued as long as Seven Springs remained a chapel.
Sometime during the 1960’s Mrs. Alex (Julia) Robinson came to Seven Springs Chapel. Her ministry was one that caused growth in love for the Savior. Mrs. Robinson was a great servant, example, and encourager in the Lord to the Seven Springs’ work.
When Mrs. Robinson came to the chapel in the 1960’s, she was startled at the small number of people who participated in the communion service. The feeling of some was unworthiness to participate, but after Biblical teaching from Mrs. Robinson, more began to participate. The following session minutes might help clarify why so few received communion. On January 1947, the session decided to have communion once a year at Seven Springs. Then on July 9, 1952, the session decided to have communion twice a year. With so little teaching on this sacrament, the congregation had not understood how to Biblically prepare for and participate in communion.