Phase III- Indoor Services
The Westminster Larger Catechism 136 explains that the sixth commandment forbids, “the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and necessary means of preservation of life.” We believe during this time we should do as much as possible to limit, contain the virus so that we might value and protect life. We believe all mankind is made in the image of God and from the womb to the tomb we wish to value life.
The Session met on July 5th. One of our points of discussion was our continued response to COVID-19 and the desire to gather together inside safely. We realize that some people may have been ready to meet together in person since March, while others have drastically changed their life to not place themselves in situations of potential exposure. We desire to, first and foremost, gather for the Glory of God, praising His name and proclaiming his Gospel. We have sought to find ways that ensure the safety of the members and attempting to do so without searing the consciences of those who worship. Statistics are one thing; however, in our small church, a statistic has a name, a dear member. We have always thought of people, not numbers.
Starting August 2nd we will be meeting indoors for worship.
The Session has approved Phase Three of our plan, which is returning to worshiping inside the church walls, starting August 2nd. Phase three includes four options to make people feel comfortable as we return to a new normal. Here are the four possibilities for members to worship;

Seating will be available in the sanctuary (Social distancing) in family units. Some sections will be assigned for larger family units.
Fellowship Hall

We will have a projector with a video from the sanctuary displayed on a wall. The fellowship hall will be for those who have taken extra precautions in their life to avoid contact and consider themselves high risk.
Parking Lot

We will continue to transmit an FM Signal, on 88.1, for those who wish to remain in their vehicles. We will deliver a bulletin to the door when you arrive. Special parking spaces will be assigned to people choosing this option.

We will continue to upload our sermons online for those who are unable to make it to our morning worship or do not feel comfortable leaving their homes.
Safe Practices
- We will continue utilizing the safe practices we are currently using:
- We will have printed bulletins to avoid cross-contamination with hymnals and pew bibles.
- The offering plates will not be passed between members.
- We will continue to practice social distancing, including blocking pews off.
- We strongly recommend wearing a face mask and will provide disposable face masks.
- Hand Sanitizer will also be made available at the entrances.
Other Activities
- Evening Worship will begin on August 2nd
- Adult Sunday School following Sunday morning service.
- Mid-Week Bible Study will continue to be Hybrid (In-Person and via Phone)
- Children’s Catechism will be uploaded via Facebook on Tuesday.
If you have a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days please stay home.