
Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord. We have so much to give thanks to God as a congregation. The Lord’s mercies are new every day (Lam 3:23-24). He still rules and reigns over all the earth (Ps 115:3, Job 42:2)

We live in an interesting time and especially at this moment in 2020. The COVID-19 or commonly known as coronavirus is placing great fear in society and we as Christians do not fear death or sickness for we have a greater prize (2 Tim 1:10, 1 Cor 15:54-55).

However, fear should not be substituted for foolishness. The elders have met to discuss the situation several times and have been watching the CDC and other guidelines given by government entities. We respect the elected officials God has placed over us as ministers in his hands (Pr 21:1, 2 Chr 20:6, Rom 13:1-7).

During COVID-19 we have adjusted our regular schedule of ministry and events. We have adjusted our Sunday morning service to be conducted outside so that people may drive-in and listen on their car radio. The Westminster Larger Catechism 136 explains that the sixth commandment forbids, “the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and necessary means of preservation of life.” We believe during this time we should do as much as possible to limit, contain the virus so that we might value and protect life. We believe all mankind is made in the image of God and from the womb to the tomb we wish to value life.

Drive-in Service

Due to COVID-19, we are unable to meet in person. We will be having a Drive-in service. Service begins at 10:00 AM, we recommend arriving earlier to allow time to park your vehicle. We long to gather together as the congregation of the saints, but until that date, we will be offering a drive-in service.
  • Service will be broadcasted via FM radio
  • CHILDREN WELCOME, please bring activities for them to do in the vehicle.
  • ON-SITE Restrooms will be open for use.
  • 6FT space between vehicles

Moving Forward

The Session will be discussing options in the near future to implement a plan that continues to protect and value life while also seeing the Church return to a more regular ministry schedule.


We continue to give thanks to God for we know nothing is outside of His Holy will. Please pray for the church leaders (Heb 13:7) and our elected officials (1 Tim 2:1, Rom 13:1).

In Christ,


On behalf of the elders.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
    and in his word I hope; Psalm 130:5

Where to find us


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