All Things
Colossians 1:15-20 We come today to the glorious passage found in Colossians 1:15-20. It is important to note that this is all one Greek sentence starting in verse nine. Paul explains that he gives thanks to the Father, who has qualified, delivered, and transferred his people into the Kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:12-13). Interestingly Paul does not mention Christ’s name in this section nor in the passage, which is often called a Christological Hymn (He does mention Christ previously
Pleasing to Him
Colossians 1:9-14 Paul’s letter continues with his standard greeting. We need to be reminded that the letter would be read as a whole and has thoughts that are intertwined with one another. When we study the scriptures, we generally take a pericope (extract from the text) and dive into the meaning. We find that even reading through a letter that takes about fifteen-twenty minutes to read will take us over twenty weeks to digest in sermons. As we continue to study
Thanking God
Colossians 1:3-8 We continue through the book of Colossians. We turn now to the first part of the greeting. Greetings appear in all of Paul’s epistles, besides Galatians, 2 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, and Titus. Keep in mind Paul has never stepped foot in this church and not seen them face to face (Col 2:1). Paul will address some form of heresy in this epistle; however, he first is thankful to God for this church he heard about from Epaphras. The greeting
Colossians Introduction
The story of the letter Every book of the Bible speaks of the same God differently, highlighting different aspects of theology. Colossians is rich in its Christological focus. One scholar says, “Colossians is one of Paul’s most elegant yet compact epistles in the New Testament.” The letter speaks of Christ as Lord over all creation, even including the invisible realm. Christ has also obtained redemption for his people, uniting them in his death, resurrection, and fullness. There are many questions that I