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Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Romans 15:7

We are so encouraged to welcome you to Seven Springs Presbyterian Church. I pray that you feel a warm welcome from everyone Finding a church home can be difficult for everyone. I hope this page might help you find out what to expect when you visit Seven Springs Presbyterian Church. I also pray that you see the focus of our existence; God’s Glory and His Gospel. We are a small church with a big message; the good news of Jesus Christ. We aim to preach the Bible faithfully, to worship Biblically, and pray diligently.

Seven Springs Presbyterian church has been a light on a hill since 1874, and we hope to continue to shine the light of Christ to Glade Spring, Washington County, and the to the ends of the earth. Our church family welcomes you to worship, finding delight in God, rest in his promises, and hope for tomorrow. We also would love to give you a gift to say thank you for coming to visit us.

Please join us at on Sunday for Morning Worship at 10:00 AM and Evening Worship at 6:00 PM

Where to Find us

33182 Seven Springs Road, Glade Spring, Virginia, 24340

What to Expect

Worship service

Seven Springs Presbyterian Church seeks to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Our services are based on three main elements; Word, Sacraments, and Prayer. The service is simple in the format following the reformed tradition. The service currently goes for about an hour.


We welcome everybody from all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. Some people wear their ‘Sunday best’ while others wear casual clothes. Worship is not about appearance for God looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). Please come how you feel comfortable.


We believe children are a blessing from the Lord (Ps 127:3). We do not see children as a distraction but adore having feet that cannot touch the ground. We believe God’s promises are not limited to adults (Luke 18:15-17). We encourage parents to shepherd their children’s hearts. We also have a separate room available for those who need to take their children out for a time.

During our service we have a short children’s sermon and a sheet of paper for older children (3rd Grade and above) who stay in for the whole service. Following the children’s sermon children (3 year old to 2nd Grade) are dismissed for Sunday school, looking at the curriculum “Show Me Jesus” by Great Commission Publications.

Sunday School Hour

Sunday School follows worship on the Lord’s Day in the morning. The purpose of this Sunday School hour is to equip and encourage attendees to grow in grace of Christ. Sunday School has been an essential part of the History of Seven Springs Presbyterian Church.

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.

Colossians 1:28

The church’s mission is to make disciples, not converts, presenting everyone mature in Christ (Col 1:28). The making of disciples is not merely the act of evangelism but the ongoing process of discipleship in the life of the believer. Jesus Command in the great commission is to ‘teach’ the disciples. Paul explains in Colossians 1:28, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” We proclaim Christ; this is our content, the Biblical truths pointing them to Christ. We do so through warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom. Many of the New Testament epistles were written to correct bad education. False teachers always learn but never come to the realization of the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim. 3:7). Warning disciples of the false teaching that we face today whether through false premises, cultural interpretation, or errors through church history. We not only warn of the false teaching, but we also teach correct and right doctrine. The Word of God which is our foundation for all life and practice. The last portion of the verse in Colossians explains the goal of Christian Education. The goal is that we may present everyone mature in Christ. The ultimate purpose of Christian education is maturity. We seek that everyone would mature as a disciple.

Where to find us


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